Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Cycles

Dry branches against blue sky
Photo by NithyaKumareh's photos on Flickr

One more day and it will be a brand new year, another opportune time to begin again. I love the period between this day and the very first day of the new year as it helps me identify and mark good intentions. New cycles are jump started by the contents of my mind and heart. I have a choice to be caught up in the frenzy of traditions -- celebrations, family get-togethers, dinners with friends, making noise (lots of it) and miss out on the gift this period offers.

Or i can choose to set a time to make an inventory of this year's victories and failures, examine how i have become a better (or worse) person, how i might have grown or withered in character.

Yearly i gallantly set personal goals and plans, write them down on a new journal -- this one has to be special and not just your ordinary notebook -- this ranges from the usual attempt to keep physically fit, lose weight, exercise more, eat healthy...the works. Then the harder part: work on my character. This takes a lot of courage and honesty to look into, humility to accept, and a whole lot of faith to even start.

My batting average is honestly bleak. I start the whole fitness regimen for a couple of months on and off. And on. And off. And i am back for the next year with the same goal. As to character, there is still so much to shed off it can be overwhelming. Take neediness for one. I do not even want my closest friends to know that somehow i hurt inside for my perceived lack of attention from them. Is that not pathetic? Yet surely that is self-inflicted.

But i will never be deterred from trying.

I accept this gift of new beginnings. I welcome this new cycle.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Be Patient With Life's Unfolding Petals

Life unfolds
a petal at a time

The beauty of the process is crippled
when i try to hurry growth.
Life has its inner rhythm
which must be respected.
It cannot be rushed or hurried.

Like daylight stepping out of darkness,
like morning creeping out of night
life unfolds slowly
a petal at a time
like a flower opening to the sun,

God's call unfolds
a Word at a time

A disciple is not made in a hurry.
Slowly i become like the One
to whom i am listening.

Life unfolds
a petal at a time
like you and i
becoming followers of Jesus,
discipled into a new way of living
deeply and slowly.

Be patient with life's unfolding petals.
If you hurry the bud it withers.
If you hurry life it limps.
Each unfolding is a teaching
a movement of grace
filled with silent pauses
breathtaking beauty
tears and heartaches.

Life unfolds
a petal at a time
deeply and slowly.

~Macrina Wiederkehr, The Song of the Seed

petals unfolding
photo by Bentobird's photos on Flickr

Friday, December 17, 2010


Zen Tower, Surprised Flower
photo by Digital Owl's Photos on Flickr

Early this evening i got the news that you, my friend, made amends with your mother whom you have not spoken to in years. I am so encouraged by your victory over estrangement. What joy to see you blossom in your love for God. Here's to milestone after milestone of faithful, life-giving choices.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Alone Time

Photo by edblvf's photos on Flickr

I look forward to tomorrow for i will have time to myself. I get to set my own pace, savor each second, go where my feet lead me. That to me is bliss.

Whenever i step out, i make sure to find myself a nice secluded spot for a handful of prayers. There's always something to pray about. Right this moment i think about a dear friend whose kidneys no longer work. I think about loved ones having it rough. I call to mind people, acquaintances, whose lives have crossed mine...and remember not only their concerns but also the gift of their presence that has made my life more meaningful.

I realize i am not really alone for in my thoughts many are with me.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wayside Flowers

Wayside Flowers
Photo by Thomas's photos on Flickr

Today could be better. A runny nose does not help. With family, i am quite testy. There's something about the coming holidays which depresses me. I know i could have given much more to our new friends we had over for breakfast. There is just too much noise in my heart that robs me of my joy. I look over my shoulder and find times when i've been slighted and taken for granted by others. Recriminations are in order, i think.

This calls for a leisurely walk to dispel the heaviness. I need to take notice again of wayside flowers most people call weeds. Things are not always as they seem, i know.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I would send you flowers if i could...

Elizabeth Edwards
Photo by ElizabethEdwards's Photos on Flickr

I wrote about grace in hard places. I dedicate that to you, Elizabeth Edwards.
I lift you up. Thank you for your great example of grace.

Christmas Lights

Flower Lights
Photo by mynameislawrence's photos on Flickr

My heart quickens the moment i hear the first strains of traditional Christmas carols being played in shopping centers, over the radio, and on tv. It is as if i am transported back to those well-preserved memories of Christmases past.

It is easy to be caught up in the frenzy of the holidays. There are thousand and one things to buy or wish i could buy. I squeeze in more time to get to all those parties...get doubly stressed with all the preparations. All these and more leave me gasping year after year after year.

After i bring out the special lights to unwind the cords, dust them off and check for any busted bulbs, i pause. I ask myself how this Christmas will be different -- inside.

Is there any part of me that is not blinking happily anymore? Any busted hopes or dreams? Any short-circuited relationships that need mending? I could go on looking or simply let leave alone and instead focus on the fleeting and the temporary. What kind of lights shall i uphold?

This Christmas i will focus more on the truly important stuff like love, peace and contentment, encouragement and service to others. I offer this light as a tribute to Him whose birth we celebrate.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Dandelion Snow
Photo by k2ski's photos on Flickr

Before we go out into the world, before we unleash ourselves -- let's make sure that we stand grounded on who we truly are, on what our life's purpose is. Integrity of heart, mind, and soul.
We know where we come from and we know where we are headed.
Even as the wind comes to shake us, we can rest.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Grace in Hard Places

Hard hearts, hard stone faces. Hard life, hard existence.

I know of folks going through tough times. Some are embittered by the sheer weight of their troubles. Many have lost the joy of living. To them, there is nothing worth looking forward to. And they face the world with clenched teeth and fists.

I don't need to look far. I have been on that road many times.

Dear friends told me once that there is no problem given to us without a gift in it, that we only need to look for the redeeming value in every seemingly negative situation.

Perspective. Those words have been faithful companions to me in my journey.

Insight. When i am truly open and ready to gain clarity, even nature cooperates. There is something about plants that persist in crevices, blossoms that flourish on cracks. Tree saplings that manage to prosper on walls despite the lack of space for roots -- these never fail to catch my attention. I marvel at these things. They have transcended, beaten, overcome the odds. Inspiration.

Like those who are still deep in their battles yet manage to do good. Wounded, yet healing others. Grace. In hard places.

Photo by Scootzsx's Photos on Flickr

Plant in the wall
Photo by Imran Arshad's Photos on Flickr

Wall climber
Photo by hdrdoc's photos on Flickr