Thursday, November 18, 2010

The sudden downpour revealed some forty mayas as they darted to better cover from the accommodating guava tree. In one swoosh they fluttered to nearby roofs, their congregation dispersed. Fantastic! A sure pick-me-up to sagging spirits.

I  get surprised by life's simple revelations. Epiphanic. 
Sometimes they catch me abruptly. Often, by layers being peeled off slowly until I am ready to learn.

Some of the mayas perch clustered together on one cornice. While some, content to be beside no other. 
This is the way it has been with me. At times when I get a sudden jolt out of the usual I immediately seek refuge in the company of kindred spirits. I just need the warmth of their friendship. Yet like those who go it solo, I find essential the need for space to be alone, to process things, to think, to pray, to dream, to take stock, be silent and calm. So from time to time, as much as I need, I take the path that bids me to stop and smell the flowers. 
May each post invite you to do the same.

Stopping to touch the flowers along the path
Photo by Abbajean's Photos on Flickr