Sunday, May 22, 2011

Cameo Friends

I love this photo of a melon carved to look like a bouquet of flowers in cameo. So intricate, so painstakingly done, so exquisite...years of artisanal hours definitely put in to achieve this thing of beauty. If i were served fruit in this form i do not think i would have the appetite to eat it. I would just bring it home and marvel at it as long as it holds up. But fruit is meant to be enjoyed eaten. In a short time, the beauty of this piece will be in somebody's stomach --- just a fraction of the time it took to create it.

This brings to mind some friendships. Precious in time invested, binding in experiences shared...only to suffer their loss to space and unfortunate grievances that drove one from the other away.

Yet not all is a waste. The mark that we make on each other makes us hopefully, better.  Those friendships, however brief and fleeting, if meaningful, retains the essence for which it was there in the first place. Some good things do come to an end. Some friendships have run its course in our lives --- short-lived and just the way it is.