Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Revive a Wilting Flower

WiltingFlower.jpg Wilting Flower

I enjoy having flowers around the house. Buying them myself is a luxury. If money were no object i would regularly have those beauties to brighten up the home. On occasion i would receive some. And as long as i can, i try my best to maximize their "presence".
Here are some tips i got from the florists:
  1. Regularly change the water and clean the vase out.
  2. Snip off the ends of the stems on an angle
  3. Add some detergent to the water
  4. Some lemon juice and sugar can also be added to the water
But soon enough time will come to throw out the wilted ones. Life is a mist, so the bible says. The tangible things do not last forever - even if we badly want them to. 

There have been two deaths in our close circle of friends. One due to a very aggressive cancer. Another went so unexpectedly, like a thief in the night, due to cardiac arrest. Just the thought of grieving depletes energy. 

Indeed, we have in our hands precious life. Borrowed, temporary, transient, on loan. 

We can only attempt to extend it. 

The good thing is there are things which we can hold on to permanently -- only if we choose to. We have relationships, a marriage, faith. And yet even these can be lost if we do not give it the care, or the work, that it needs.

What needs resuscitating in your life today?