Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Somebody Became a Multi-millionaire

I gasp at the news and for some reason it created vicarious excitement. Ecstasy for the lucky bettor. Agony for most who have pinned all their hopes and dreams on their set of numbers.

No, i did not place a bet. But dream i did.

Ah, Gina, enjoy your vacation house. May you experience all the things you once only dreamed of. Were trips abroad and cruises part of it? Big houses? Businesses? Anything in the mall that you fancied? And now, using only your pointer finger empowered to command those items to possess -- everything can be yours.


May your blessings bring you joy and forge peace in your circle. May it multiply as many times you open your hand to help others. Let not the sudden affluence spoil the beauty of who you are. And may you never forget that the simple joys are free.
money flowers
Photo by Kolix's Photos on Flickr

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


True friendships feel like home. Much comfort and security is felt in the loving presence of those who are able to bear our shortcomings, our character defects, our cheesy thoughts and silly utterances.

I think about the deep friendships steeped in vulnerable conversations where souls were bared, and the internal editor of details put on pause mode. One Sean Low put it rightly:
"The process of revealing ourselves to the world (and to ourselves) is often exquisitely painful, always enlightening and ultimately freeing."
The risks are high when we choose to disclose facets of who we are and what we have done; what we honestly think and feel. Yet something wonderful happens most of the time. The thread that binds our hearts gets woven. A true friendship blossoms.

032: Full
Photo by Emma Fredrick's photos on Flickr

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The sudden downpour revealed some forty mayas as they darted to better cover from the accommodating guava tree. In one swoosh they fluttered to nearby roofs, their congregation dispersed. Fantastic! A sure pick-me-up to sagging spirits.

I  get surprised by life's simple revelations. Epiphanic. 
Sometimes they catch me abruptly. Often, by layers being peeled off slowly until I am ready to learn.

Some of the mayas perch clustered together on one cornice. While some, content to be beside no other. 
This is the way it has been with me. At times when I get a sudden jolt out of the usual I immediately seek refuge in the company of kindred spirits. I just need the warmth of their friendship. Yet like those who go it solo, I find essential the need for space to be alone, to process things, to think, to pray, to dream, to take stock, be silent and calm. So from time to time, as much as I need, I take the path that bids me to stop and smell the flowers. 
May each post invite you to do the same.

Stopping to touch the flowers along the path
Photo by Abbajean's Photos on Flickr