Thursday, January 30, 2014

Tireless for Veranera

Here's why i will never tire of you: under the scorching sun you give, give, and give. You are not picky with seasons and everyday you make festive. You do not require much maintenance. In fact, you are best left alone. You are self-sufficient with your thorns -- no need to provide you with protection. When you have overstepped your bounds, you don't mind getting pruned even in the most rough-shod manner because you are made of hardy stuff. 

Generous, consistent, simple, beautiful. I don't mind should you come in a big pot in lieu of roses for Valentine's Day.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Eye Candy

Without fail my sights always land on the beautiful pops of living color around me. To me they are one of God's ways of saying "hi" and letting us know that He is around, ever present to us.

On a recent trip up north i relished the slow walks on the outskirts of town because of the peace and quiet along with the generous flowering of plants that dotted the sidewalks -- just the ingredient to lift my sagging spirits. 

I remembered that everything is exactly where it needs to be and taken care of.

Thank God for giving us flowers. Eye candy that nourishes the soul.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Charm of Bougainvillia

There you are, just the perfect accent to an already breathtaking panorama. Though you only have a handful of pink bracts, i am not in want for more. Minimal yet substantial. Truly, not much is required to be happy. You bet I could stay charmed here for hours, soaking in the tranquility alone.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Nothing Ordinary

Take time not only to gaze on the conspicuous flowers but also to direct your eyes to those which need an extra dose of your observation. There are flowers in lowly plants, too. What you see as specks of color are tiny flowers that wait to be noticed, visible only to the willing. It is as the if your fairy godmother made her swish, and the pink and lavender fairy dust that descended turned into flowers.
“It's all a matter of paying attention, being awake in the present moment, and not expecting a huge payoff. The magic in this world seems to work in whispers and small kindnesses.” 
― Charles de Lint
If flowers could speak...

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Orchids are commonly anchored on trees or shrubs, blooming in a variety of colors. However, there are also those which flourish as beautifully on the ground.

I like that. A reminder that the place we find ourselves in is not an issue to our growing and thriving. Even blossoming.

Bloom where you're planted. Ground orchids are not lowly, just grounded.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Reflections Under Lovely Arbor

Passing under an arbor of this tropical vine (Thunbergia mysorensis) is a treat. Beautiful chains of yawning yellow and red flowers touch my hair, forehead,and cheek like blessings bestowed on me by the owner of the universe. Simple. So simple is life when i get in touch with everything di-vine. Literally, and yes, figuratively.

Joy is not hard to come by. Just open your sense of wonder and look around you. You will see how lovely, how generously, how thoughtfully creative everything is put together. 

Friday, January 3, 2014

My Coral Berry Year

How can you not notice this plant? Its red berries grab your attention right away. Its small white flowers are not to be dismissed though they are not of the showy kind. Those simple flowers are followed by red orbs which stay faithful for many months.  Its leaves are smooth and leathery and are somewhat edible --- in salads, they say. 

No wonder that this Coral Berry Plant or in science-speak, Ardisia crenulata, is one exotic ornamental i would like to add to my small collection of plants. Symbolically they represent simplicity, fruitfulness, sturdiness and toughness. My kind of 2014.