Sunday, September 28, 2014

Romance is in the Air

Waxing romantic. It is not February but almost October yet how can one not feel in love when your sights are set on this most lavish spread of lilac blossoms that carpets the garden pagoda. The structure of the pagoda itself is very simple but is made luxurious by its covering of the garlic vine in full bloom.

Let me and my beloved spend some time. Alone. In this space.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Reverie in a French Country Garden

If only I could hug this garden I would. My soul wants to wrap itself around it. It's got that wild, informal romantic growth. Each element free to grow and totally complementing each other. I love how the morning sunrise gently bathes it with its soft light. 

This garden in a place we call home for each work week in the south is my own special hideaway. Blessed to have rustic mornings.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Bloom Where You Are Planted

What a pretty sight this corner is! I was immediately smitten by the humble bougainvillea that was placed in this part of the garden --- the spot for the garden hose and tools. And I suspect, the trash bin.  How easy on the eyes, and how pleasing to note that just the proper combination of color makes all the difference.

This is sort of my mantra: "Bloom where you are planted." Wherever I am, I must strive to be the best I can be.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Wall Flowers

Was recently asked by one of my kids what a wallflower is. I explained that it is someone who remains seated while the rest are invited to the dance floor. Someone unpopular. Not so in the plant world. Any bloom on any wall deserves an entry in my book. Look at how they give a pop of color and infuse life to an otherwise drab wall!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Crimson Beauties

Red Ginger Flowers/Ostrich Plume

I can imagine these crimson flowers standing tall in a glass vase. How tropical the feel of a room would be. Yes, and may I confess that I was tempted to snap off one stalk to take home. Enamored. Tempted.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Fighting Harshness with Grace

It was almost noon and as you can imagine the glare from the sun's light was so intense, my eyes hurt, and it felt like a thousand needle tips were attached to my skin. It was a harsh exposure. My consolation was the colorful flowers in front of me -- bright pink, white, and yellow -- as if they were  readily gaining more strength and vitality while absorbing the sun's rays.  The brighter it shone, the more attractive they became.