Friday, August 23, 2013

Stained Glass Flowers

I assume everyone this part of the world is just so happy the sun is out. Not quite, but we feel the warmth already --- after a week of strong downpour from the skies. Up to this moment there are still plenty of communities in dire straights: houses washed away, muddy indoors, all clothes wet, and just so much cleaning up to do --- not to mention the worst of it. 

We all need sunshine in our lives.

Compassion is displayed in the countless anonymous ones who gave of themselves: their time, their resources, their food, their help alleviate somehow the conditions many have found themselves in after the typhoon's whipping.

On both the receiving and giving end we find
“People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.”
- Elizabeth Kübler-Ross

Monday, August 12, 2013


I and my new-found friends decided to visit a bazaar somewhere in the south. They were looking around for some pasalubong, customary gifts one brings home to friends and family from one's travels. I was not so inclined to buy stuff with the name of the visited place splashed across trinkets, shirts, and whatever touristy item one comes across. I was more interested in well-crafted pieces that can actually be put to use.  

So here's one of those things i found: hair clips. I think they're really neat.

With Flowers in Her Hair
Mr Crane

She walks in and says hello,
Reminds me fast of long ago.
She came in with no announcing
As she used to do,
With flowers in her hair.
That little girl I used to do
How she did grow.
The girl with whom I would play
Is the woman who stands here today,
With flowers in her hair.
Petunias and lillies down those golden locks
Like sunbeams come down to earth.
With skin so smooth, and eyes so blue,
The girl with flowers in her hair.
Through the grass, we'd run along
She'd pick up daisies, and sing her song.
Her songs whose words I'll never forget
In a voice truly heavenly sent,
And she'd put the flowers in her hair.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Pretty in Pink

It is only recently that i have come to appreciate the color pink. I used to go for dark colors to express my rebel attitude. I guess time truly has a way of mellowing out those rough preferences. Sweet, soft, feminine pink calms me now.

In one pocket garden i was drawn to crouch down on my knees to get a glimpse of the beautiful pink flower buds that were partially hidden by its equally beautiful leaves -- eye-catching by themselves. They can stand alone if you ask me. But those buds make the plant all the more special. That to me is grace.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Splendor --- in the Grass

This here is the first of a series of posts coming up that is about grass. I doubt that i will provide you their real names. I can only come up with my own names for them as they impress upon me.

So there i was, heading out the door from the discussions going on between officers of a company -- i needed a breath of fresh air. I looked around hoping to catch sights of beautiful flowers for this blog. Apparently the resort was barren save for a smattering of  potted plants here and there. I took a walk around, soaking in the peace and quiet, when i started noticing the grass under my feet. 

See those dainty white flowers? I needed to stoop to appreciate these brilliant petals poised amid the wild growth.  

Monday, August 5, 2013

Details, Details

Excuse my big fat hand. I just want you to enjoy as much as i did looking at the pretty little flowers. As if their leaves were not a curiosity enough. I name this my Trinity Plant in lieu of its proper name which i do not know.

When we chance upon things of nature we must take the time to notice the details. Every facet should not escape us as there are components that make up the whole. Discovery and opportunity lie in those small parts that fascinate us. If we pay close attention we find aspects to admire and appreciate.

Saturday, August 3, 2013


Exquisite, simply exquisite. These flowers are little white tubes that blossom at the tip. They seem to tease you with their coyness. "I am blooming, yet not quite. Wait some more." Their fullness suspended.  I think that they try to teach us patience. You can't have it all at once. You need to wait. If you go off, you won't get to see them at full bloom. Good things come to those who wait.

“A waiting person is a patient person. The word patience means the willingness to stay where we are and live the situation out to the full in the belief that something hidden there will manifest itself to us.”       ― Henri J.M. Nouwen

Friday, August 2, 2013

Thoughts on Wrought Iron and Flowers

Here's a wrought iron candle holder adorned with crepe paper flowers, similar to the ones I sometimes find in weddings and other occasions.  

To me, a good combination of cold strength and tenderness. Each one complementing the other.

There are elements that we never thought could go together. Oftentimes we never even dream of putting them side by side yet we are pleasantly surprised when they click. As with relationships. It just takes a small amount of openness to see the wonderful chemistry we have with others.