Monday, March 31, 2014

Dainty Clusters

Soft and easy on the eyes, these bulbous flowers are huddled daintily like some dance interpretation of lace. So pretty. Again, i do not know what they are -- but it does not matter. I noticed, took the time to appreciate them for what they are, and, walked away with the tangible gift of grace. 

There are so many things around us that we can appreciate. Real simple things. 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

All to Myself

wooden walkway with trellis
At about six-ish in the morning i went for a stroll around the resort we were staying in. It just feels good to have the luxury to soak in the quiet -- no tourists, no busy staff -- just the humming of birds and the soft greeting of flowers that drop ever so quietly from the trellis overhead. What a beautiful start of the day.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Summer, Officially

Anvaya Cove, Morong, Bataan

Summer, officially. In my 2014 personal yearbook, that is.  Though our weather bureau PAGASA has not made it official yet, to me it is. It is summer hot and for the first time this year i find myself whisked off by lady luck to a beautiful cove such as this. Did not plan it. This place is super exclusive and expensive. Can't afford it. But as luck would have it....there i was mid last week.

Beautiful, serene, pampering. Not just the beach. Turn your gaze upward see how pretty those green and deep red leaves go together.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Cydista, the Garlic Vine

If i were crazy enough to believe in aswangs, our version of vampires, i would have this tropical vine decking the perimeter walls of where i reside to ward off  nasty blood-thirsty creatures of the imagination. Crushing the leaves of this plant gives you a scent of garlic.

But vampire or not, who would not want cords of these adorning one's walls? The funnelformed flowers start off purple in color which gradually shift with age to a lighter shade of purple, then wash out to white. Talk about interesting.

They seem to be low maintenance as i spotted this particular vine basking in the full afternoon sun on one of my leisurely jaunts to the neighborhood mall for some therapeutic thrifting.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Sensual Pelican Flower

Forgive me if i somehow come across having a dirty mind but that is the first thing that popped up when i came face to face, literally (the imposing thing twice the size of my face), with this huge blossom. I was startled, then captivated, filled with wonder at such a rarity. Stare it down and you will melt.

Here's part of wikipedia's description:
Aristolochia grandiflora produces large solitary flowers from cordiate leaf axils. Leaves can be up to 25 cm wide. Flowers are heart shaped: 10–20 cm wide and have tails that are up to 60 cm long. The flower is green/white with purple/brown veins. The center of the flower is darker colored, which attracts pollinators along with a distinctive odor to its reproductive elements. The flower has three sections, utricle, tube and limb, characteristic to all Aristolochiaceae.
Seems to be describing woman parts, don't you think?

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Always in Fashion

March has just stepped in and my mind is already thinking of summer break. Looking forward to a change in wardrobe -- from shawls and jackets and dark hues to the more breezy and flowy sheers and cotton that reflect the islands in the sun.

I draw inspiration from the fabric of flowers. Look and touch, how beautiful they are! They never run out of style.