Sunday, December 28, 2014


I'm all for the simple life. I do not want to be working myself to the bone just to have a lot of money or so that I could afford the luxuries in life. But once in a while we need to treat ourselves to something special. Ordering fresh flowers and having them delivered is one of those. Yes, all of a sudden the house is more homey, and it gives the space more sophistication.

The Carnations above were delivered for my special day. I just love looking at their frilly layers. If these were women they seem to be doing a lot of fussing, too girly, pompous even. They resemble ruffles which are just too busy on an outfit. But hey, we need to have some of those frills from time to time. 

Enjoy feasting your eyes on the ostentation.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Leading to Christmas

What a last quarter of the year this is! The sad monthly demise of two uncles and an aunt -- tally of three for one generation up my family tree. And it was a close call for one of my dear friends...considering this yuletide season is not without its built in stresses. 

Even as there have been one too many occasions to feel dejected I am thankful that there are reminders around me that there are also many reasons to rejoice and be glad. 

The flaming Poinsettias I see almost everywhere bring to mind the Star of Bethlehem which revealed the birth of Jesus, our hope and our peace.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Neighborhood Delights

Our town is getting to be known not only for shoes but also for good food. In the last two years, a lot of small foodie joints have mushroomed and are continuing to sprout one after another. Good thing we do not have to grit our teeth and lose our patience in the worsening traffic situation just to enjoy such goodies.

But this is not only why I love my neighborhood. 

I love that when I take walks, I can still see trees, hear birds sing, and feast my eyes on wild flowers. In the photo above are dainty flowers that remind me of powder and lace. My son and I were off to some errand, on foot, and we passed by this overgrowth of grass from behind someone's wall. Much to his chagrin (neighbors might think we were up to no good) he snapped some photos like I asked him to. 

This photo reminds me that it does not take much to find joy.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Globe Amaranth

Truly appreciate this kind of flower. So low-maintenance, generous all year round, easy to propagate, and pleasing to the eye. They are a perfect alternative to the ubiquitous yellow peanut flowers as ground covering or ornamental landscaping.

In Hawaii these everlasting flowers are strung one after the other into leis.

And it is truly interesting to find out that this magenta flowers are also known for tea. I will definitely give this a try. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Lovely blossoms at the wake

It is the changing of the guards in the family. We bid farewell to two uncles barely half a month of each other, the recent one so unexpected. Just as the grandchildren have been raising their kids and ushering them into adulthood, the great grand ones are bearing their own. Life is a cycle of births, and deaths. And the next generations, like new growth, bud forth and seem to push out the old. 

I marvel at the flowers that stood in vigil those nights. They serve as a beacon of hope, the way they showed off their patterns and colors, a reminder of the spirit of life that once was, and will continue to go on down the line.

Godspeed, dear kin! Thank you for being a part of us, the lives we shared, the lessons learned, the joys and the sorrows, the laughter and tears. Farewell. On that threshold till we meet again.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Heart sunshine, that's what I strive for. A warm, fuzzy, peaceful and content feeling deep within. My days are mostly the opposite --- there's always that pesky negative thought, and distractions pulling me in all directions. But once I step out and make contact with nature, I am grounded in the simple and more meaningful. I need only look to flowers that remind me to
"Consider how the wildflowers grow: They don't labor or spin thread. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was adorned like one of these! -- Luke 12:27

Monday, November 17, 2014

Labor of Love

In one Korean restaurant they have this big divider, a screen, with embroidered flowers. Because of its sheer size, I was in amazement at how painstakingly each stitch was sewn to create these works. It must have been a veteran hand, trained by many years of sewing, each stroke of the hand dancing gracefully across the spread. 

I remember my maternal grandmother, a humble seamstress without much formal education. She was not refined in her ways, yet each stitch she put together resulted in the finest and most excellent of clothes she gave us. She would set herself to mending, stitching and darning --- the life of the family, the fabric of which she held together by much love.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Basil's Got Flowers

Basil or St. Joseph's Wort is our commonly used culinary herb known for its distinct sweet smell. But did you know that this plant, the king of herbs, has dainty and very white efflorescence? It carries with it the energy of purity and wisdom according to Hindi floracopeia. 

I am grateful for this plant that makes our dishes taste good, is a source of medicine, and teaches me to open my eyes and raise my level of awareness. 

Mindfulness, connection, integration, wholeness.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Pink Powderpuff

What a resplendent show of the feminine! These flowers scientifically known as the Calliandra surinamensis seem to burst forth in celebration of the soft, girly yet fierce qualities of nature. It does not hold back from expressing oneself. See how it radiates from a center outward in all directions. See how it seems to be illuminated from within, the light travelling to the outer tips like that in fiber optic cables.

And how I want to pick one, just one, to dust my cheek with.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Heart, Mind, Soul

Was in the lobby of a swanky Country Club in the south waiting for my team to show up. Across from where I was seated I caught sight of one of its utility personnel quietly setting flowers on a big round shallow bowl of water in the middle of the table in the reception area. I watched her. 

I felt I was privileged to witness someone in meditation. One by one, mindfully, she drew flowers from a plastic receptacle. She meticulously arranged them in some kind of pattern. Flower by flower. She could have just tossed in a handful and flicked or nudged them around like soldiers on marching orders but she did not. I was there from start to finish, feeling like I have just eavesdropped on a prayer.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

In Memoriam

There's a strange spot, a space, a hole in my heart that was once occupied by loved ones no longer around in earthly existence. It is a small piece of me that is missing. More often than not, my brain tends to forget -- it is almost as if it is helping me not to feel the palpable absence of those once present. Yet I cannot not remember. For as soon as I so much as hear a tune, or catch a fragrance, or see a sight we once set our eyes on together, the memories come flooding in. And so instead of plugging it up, I flow with the recollections and honor you all. 

So in honor of you I gather some flowers, set them in a vase, quiet my heart, give thanks, pray, and celebrate your life.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Purple Shamrock

Charmed by this Clover. Its flowers give way to the passion of its purple leaves. It got me thinking about how we need to step back from time to time and allow others to shine, or even grow. We do not have to take center stage all the time. Even John the Baptist once said "He must increase; I must decrease."

This foliage makes for a lovely ground cover or accent plant beside all my greenery. A perfect reminder that it is not all about me.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Fountains of Grace

Early in the morning while waiting for my aero session to begin, I walked around the Barangay Hall grounds and was delighted to spot these fountains, wonderful accents to their rather sparse "gardens". They weren't even turned on but they still evoked nurture, quietude, grace. I was pleased, nonetheless, for I was able to get into a reflective heart posture. 

On the one hand, I exert much effort now in staving off the ageing process through regular exercise, doing what I can, and must, for my physical well-being (there is no Fountain of Youth). And on the other, I always seek to get near the Fountain of Grace, only which can renew and give me fresh perspective.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Simple Joys

Hello October! We are on the verge of ending this year. Already, I want to look back at the year that is about to pass. I do not have to wait till December to take stock while frantically going about all the activities inherent there.

What has given me great pleasures are the most simple ones. Meaningful talks, solitary walks, a day's work, home-brewed tea, the perching of birds on the window sill, and finding beauty in flowers.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Romance is in the Air

Waxing romantic. It is not February but almost October yet how can one not feel in love when your sights are set on this most lavish spread of lilac blossoms that carpets the garden pagoda. The structure of the pagoda itself is very simple but is made luxurious by its covering of the garlic vine in full bloom.

Let me and my beloved spend some time. Alone. In this space.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Reverie in a French Country Garden

If only I could hug this garden I would. My soul wants to wrap itself around it. It's got that wild, informal romantic growth. Each element free to grow and totally complementing each other. I love how the morning sunrise gently bathes it with its soft light. 

This garden in a place we call home for each work week in the south is my own special hideaway. Blessed to have rustic mornings.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Bloom Where You Are Planted

What a pretty sight this corner is! I was immediately smitten by the humble bougainvillea that was placed in this part of the garden --- the spot for the garden hose and tools. And I suspect, the trash bin.  How easy on the eyes, and how pleasing to note that just the proper combination of color makes all the difference.

This is sort of my mantra: "Bloom where you are planted." Wherever I am, I must strive to be the best I can be.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Wall Flowers

Was recently asked by one of my kids what a wallflower is. I explained that it is someone who remains seated while the rest are invited to the dance floor. Someone unpopular. Not so in the plant world. Any bloom on any wall deserves an entry in my book. Look at how they give a pop of color and infuse life to an otherwise drab wall!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Crimson Beauties

Red Ginger Flowers/Ostrich Plume

I can imagine these crimson flowers standing tall in a glass vase. How tropical the feel of a room would be. Yes, and may I confess that I was tempted to snap off one stalk to take home. Enamored. Tempted.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Fighting Harshness with Grace

It was almost noon and as you can imagine the glare from the sun's light was so intense, my eyes hurt, and it felt like a thousand needle tips were attached to my skin. It was a harsh exposure. My consolation was the colorful flowers in front of me -- bright pink, white, and yellow -- as if they were  readily gaining more strength and vitality while absorbing the sun's rays.  The brighter it shone, the more attractive they became. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Beautiful World

Can't help but be filled with a sense of wonder and amazement just looking at the beautiful lavender hues of these flowers. Even without touching them I know they are soft and fragile things, like the softest tissue that has ever touched your skin. 

Take some time today and look around. Open your eyes to the beauty that surrounds you. 

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Roadside Zinnia

Just lovely. You made my afternoon stroll so much more pleasant. Never content to stay upright and be lost among your kind, you had to bend down and cross over the pavement. How can one not notice how pretty you are -- in baby pink, bright yellow and sienna? 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thornless Euphorbia

China's flag. That is what immediately crossed my mind when I saw these lovely red flowers with yellow centers. I was delighted by this plant's showy state. In a row, the planters gave the illusion of glowing embers popping up simultaneously to light up the place we found ourselves in. A closer look and you'll see that the blooms are very simple. They are actually the yellow parts in the middle, the red outer part is what botanists call the floral envelope.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Nice Touch

Yes, you may have noticed that flowers in vases on the wall never escape my eye. And they always take me to places in my heart that's warm, calm, and evokes home. Sure, those in the photo must be faux flowers, but they still have that charm, lending grace to the entrance of this quaint fresh milk shop in the south. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

Tiger Lilies for Mother

Paid a visit recently to my very dear mother's grave. My siblings and I made sure to lay a bouquet of Tiger Lilies with small white aster flowers, the former being the flowers she loved the most. If one's personality were to be judged by the kind of flowers one loves, it would be confusing. The Tiger Lily signifies wealth and pride, so say many floral dictionaries. Pride my mom was never known for. Wealth she certainly did not have. But we, her children take pride in the fact that we had a mother such as her who was loving, gentle, kind; who did the best she could do for us, and never gave us any reason to be ashamed for such was her integrity, compassion, and benevolence towards others.

Wealth. Such is what we have in our hearts as we feel blessed to have had her in our lives.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Rooted in Grace

Tree with flowering vine, Baguio City

Mutual Support 

~ Thich Nhat Hanh

You are me, and I am you.
Isn’t it obvious that we “inter-are”?
You cultivate the flower in yourself,
so that I will be beautiful.
I transform the garbage in myself,
so that you will not have to suffer.

I support you;
you support me.
I am in this world to offer you peace;
you are in this world to bring me joy.
Just got back from a few days visit to the place my father and most of my relatives call their hometown, the City of Pines. I get to visit this city every now and then because work brings me there. I thought that this time I got to enjoy the place (not the touristy spots) the way its residents do: soaking in the cold rainy weather, reveling in the misty fog, and just finding joy in whatever I set my sights on from the confines of my room.

Despite the ugly developments of the city, there is still so much to enjoy and fall in love with.

Especially the warmth of dear family and friends.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Channeling A Sunday in the Park

Reminiscent of George Seurat's A Sunday in the Park, this very small park in our small town known for shoes displays shoe sculpture. Some stood as planters with ornamental peanut plants while the rest are plastered with fake greens. Hardly topiaries, yet they have a certain charm to them. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Wispy White Michelia Champaca

It is my first time to come across this sweet smelling flower. By chance I looked up as I was taking a walk around our retreat's forest-like venue. I noticed that one tree was full of white wisps that spread a delightful fragrance. Dig this: the luxurious perfume Joy by Jean Patou (voted as Scent of the Century in 2000) has the Michelia  in it.

Friday, July 11, 2014

I'm Not Girly, But I Love Pink

Many, many years back I used to stay away from the color pink. I thought they were weakling and saccharine colors which was far from my personality. But in the recent years I have come to love the color. I think they are strong accents and give any color scheme a nice touch.

These two quotes from C. JoyBell C. make me love pink all the more:

  • “Pink is a beautiful color, because it is one of the colors that the sun makes at twilight and in the dawns.”
  • “People usually associate the colour pink with weakness and naiveté; but I associate this colour with the most beautiful parts of the day— dawn and dusk! And in my searching through mystical writings, I have found that pink is actually related to the utmost levels of the Tree of Life. I've also seen it in pictures of the sky surrounding the most magnificent Aurora Borealis! So pink is strong and wonderful.” 

And yes, real men wear pink, too. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

I Am But a Traveler

Traveler's Palm or Traveler's Tree is what it is called. My discovery:  "Hey, it's got a flower!"  Not a palm. Indeed, a tree, kin to the banana plant and bird-of-paradise varieties. For lack of the obvious colorful flowers one might expect in a resort I was forced to scrutinize whatever was there. And I was taken by surprise. Never knew that this huge fan-like plant had flowers of its own.

The traveler sees what he sees,
the tourist sees what he has come to see.
- Gilbert K. Chesterton

Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Details Show It

at Bag of Beans, Tagaytay
I feel honored by the coffee shop that took the time to furnish their restroom with a huge pot of flowers. Even though they were in the middle of renovations, they did not scrimp on them. This tells me that the Owners or its Management team are mindful and caring people, people with a space in their hearts for the divine.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Grace of Serenity

Just my luck to have a getaway at this time of year when the rains have come and summer is over. Never mind that we had to cancel our tour to the lake, the caves, and other such tourist must-sees in the islands. Couldn't have had a better deal than having to spend the whole day doing nothing but stare at the wide open cove and the gentle lapping of water on its shores. 

That moment was just picture perfect. Externally and internally.

Thursday, June 12, 2014


How easy it is to see what is missing in our lives. Easy to notice how charmless and dire our circumstances are. This is why I literally stop and smell the flowers to ground myself on the opposite. 

Flowers just bloom wherever they are, regardless of environs. They are fancily clothed and are free to show off who they are and what they are made of. They open for anyone whether they get noticed or not. Their duty is not to perform but just to blossom.

And they do not scrape for more color or more parts or look this way and that to compare who bloomed best. More so, they just have so much to give. Ask the bees. Ask anyone whose heart has been touched by the gift of flowers.