Thursday, February 28, 2013

Dandelion, My Flower du Jour

This fascinates me...nature's way of preserving itself, its capacity to go on with life. Consider the Dandelion. The weed.

At the end of its beautiful flowering yellow stage, it dries up transforms into a white cottony ball and individual seeds with "parachutes" get ready to be launched, waiting patiently for that gust of wind to come by...

..and sweep them away to wherever.

I had this epiphany a few moments ago: my friendships can be stamped with the image of the Dandelion. They spring up at the least unexpected moments and places, bud up and blossom. The sun, happy to shine on them. But there also comes a time when from that shared space each must go their own way... to follow their own paths, go on with their own lives.

Our differing pursuits, and even misgivings and disappointments (mostly mine) are like those florets that have been cast to the wind and released from that flower head that once held them tightly together. Who knows if "never the twain shall meet" down the road. I leave that for the Divine to decide.

I now decide to make the dandelion my new life motif. For now i need to drift towards my own growth. To all my friends i blow you my dandelion wishes of health, peace, and safe travels with better company who will bring out only the best in you. Godspeed.


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Prom Season

It is Prom Season. On one of rare trips to the salon i had to wait in line for my stylist to give me a perm as she had a bevy of young ladies getting their face made up. With gowns in tow, their fussy and excited  mothers stand by to supervise the "look." These past days i have had sightings of young men in their coats and ties looking dapper and somewhat self-conscious.

High School for me was a good time. I know so because i can look back with fondness such as what my classmates and i did a while ago. There was no end to the stories and the laughter we shared, thanks to one of us who has sharp memory.

And i thought that i could not care less about the pompousness of the de riguer high school prom. I look back now and remember that indeed, those were good times.

Friday, February 22, 2013

My Sentinel

Just this rainy evening i stepped out for some Mongolian eats with my other half. I was amused by the wooden soldier standing guard at the entrance. Of course they had their own security guy out front but this whimsical life-sized doll was our greeter once we stepped in.

And here is what greets me when i arrive home. A lovely cluster of crimson bougainvillea clusters. Never mind that they come few and far between. To my sheer delight  the blooms point the way inside as if to usher us in with a warm greeting.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Getting Ready for V-Day

The flower stalls of the Farmer's Market are part of my route to the office. That's one counted blessing which keeps my perspective fresh and my commuting a joy. I noticed that the vendors rented additional stations to accommodate more than the usual bulk  of flowers needed for the day. 

I decided to stop by and take some photos to share with you.

Japanese paper for enhancing floral arrangements

long-stemmed roses for re-cutting and leaf stripping

ready-made bouquets

the obliging bouquet master

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Surely, that time of year is upon us. After the Yuletide season comes "the love month." A friend's teenage daughter posted as her facebook status her disgust for the manipulative commercialization of Valentine's Day which is a week from now. I myself am inclined to dismiss the said day as well due to the very same reasons... the arbitrary, perfunctory, mechanical and pressured gestures we do to avoid any possible slights and injuries -- this, i sense mostly by men. And then the kicker of the post -- "with that said, do not forget my gift." That inner wish to feel loved and pampered is undeniable.

Photo by abhomeinteriors
But before we get frenzied about next week, let us spend some time loving up on ourselves first. When was the last time we had kind thoughts about ourselves? How about taking time out, not for anybody, but for --- yes, some peaceful and quiet solitary spot. Find that time. And go out and buy yourself some flowers.