Thursday, February 28, 2013

Dandelion, My Flower du Jour

This fascinates me...nature's way of preserving itself, its capacity to go on with life. Consider the Dandelion. The weed.

At the end of its beautiful flowering yellow stage, it dries up transforms into a white cottony ball and individual seeds with "parachutes" get ready to be launched, waiting patiently for that gust of wind to come by...

..and sweep them away to wherever.

I had this epiphany a few moments ago: my friendships can be stamped with the image of the Dandelion. They spring up at the least unexpected moments and places, bud up and blossom. The sun, happy to shine on them. But there also comes a time when from that shared space each must go their own way... to follow their own paths, go on with their own lives.

Our differing pursuits, and even misgivings and disappointments (mostly mine) are like those florets that have been cast to the wind and released from that flower head that once held them tightly together. Who knows if "never the twain shall meet" down the road. I leave that for the Divine to decide.

I now decide to make the dandelion my new life motif. For now i need to drift towards my own growth. To all my friends i blow you my dandelion wishes of health, peace, and safe travels with better company who will bring out only the best in you. Godspeed.