Thursday, February 7, 2013


Surely, that time of year is upon us. After the Yuletide season comes "the love month." A friend's teenage daughter posted as her facebook status her disgust for the manipulative commercialization of Valentine's Day which is a week from now. I myself am inclined to dismiss the said day as well due to the very same reasons... the arbitrary, perfunctory, mechanical and pressured gestures we do to avoid any possible slights and injuries -- this, i sense mostly by men. And then the kicker of the post -- "with that said, do not forget my gift." That inner wish to feel loved and pampered is undeniable.

Photo by abhomeinteriors
But before we get frenzied about next week, let us spend some time loving up on ourselves first. When was the last time we had kind thoughts about ourselves? How about taking time out, not for anybody, but for --- yes, some peaceful and quiet solitary spot. Find that time. And go out and buy yourself some flowers.