Wednesday, October 29, 2014

In Memoriam

There's a strange spot, a space, a hole in my heart that was once occupied by loved ones no longer around in earthly existence. It is a small piece of me that is missing. More often than not, my brain tends to forget -- it is almost as if it is helping me not to feel the palpable absence of those once present. Yet I cannot not remember. For as soon as I so much as hear a tune, or catch a fragrance, or see a sight we once set our eyes on together, the memories come flooding in. And so instead of plugging it up, I flow with the recollections and honor you all. 

So in honor of you I gather some flowers, set them in a vase, quiet my heart, give thanks, pray, and celebrate your life.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Purple Shamrock

Charmed by this Clover. Its flowers give way to the passion of its purple leaves. It got me thinking about how we need to step back from time to time and allow others to shine, or even grow. We do not have to take center stage all the time. Even John the Baptist once said "He must increase; I must decrease."

This foliage makes for a lovely ground cover or accent plant beside all my greenery. A perfect reminder that it is not all about me.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Fountains of Grace

Early in the morning while waiting for my aero session to begin, I walked around the Barangay Hall grounds and was delighted to spot these fountains, wonderful accents to their rather sparse "gardens". They weren't even turned on but they still evoked nurture, quietude, grace. I was pleased, nonetheless, for I was able to get into a reflective heart posture. 

On the one hand, I exert much effort now in staving off the ageing process through regular exercise, doing what I can, and must, for my physical well-being (there is no Fountain of Youth). And on the other, I always seek to get near the Fountain of Grace, only which can renew and give me fresh perspective.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Simple Joys

Hello October! We are on the verge of ending this year. Already, I want to look back at the year that is about to pass. I do not have to wait till December to take stock while frantically going about all the activities inherent there.

What has given me great pleasures are the most simple ones. Meaningful talks, solitary walks, a day's work, home-brewed tea, the perching of birds on the window sill, and finding beauty in flowers.