Sunday, December 28, 2014


I'm all for the simple life. I do not want to be working myself to the bone just to have a lot of money or so that I could afford the luxuries in life. But once in a while we need to treat ourselves to something special. Ordering fresh flowers and having them delivered is one of those. Yes, all of a sudden the house is more homey, and it gives the space more sophistication.

The Carnations above were delivered for my special day. I just love looking at their frilly layers. If these were women they seem to be doing a lot of fussing, too girly, pompous even. They resemble ruffles which are just too busy on an outfit. But hey, we need to have some of those frills from time to time. 

Enjoy feasting your eyes on the ostentation.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Leading to Christmas

What a last quarter of the year this is! The sad monthly demise of two uncles and an aunt -- tally of three for one generation up my family tree. And it was a close call for one of my dear friends...considering this yuletide season is not without its built in stresses. 

Even as there have been one too many occasions to feel dejected I am thankful that there are reminders around me that there are also many reasons to rejoice and be glad. 

The flaming Poinsettias I see almost everywhere bring to mind the Star of Bethlehem which revealed the birth of Jesus, our hope and our peace.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Neighborhood Delights

Our town is getting to be known not only for shoes but also for good food. In the last two years, a lot of small foodie joints have mushroomed and are continuing to sprout one after another. Good thing we do not have to grit our teeth and lose our patience in the worsening traffic situation just to enjoy such goodies.

But this is not only why I love my neighborhood. 

I love that when I take walks, I can still see trees, hear birds sing, and feast my eyes on wild flowers. In the photo above are dainty flowers that remind me of powder and lace. My son and I were off to some errand, on foot, and we passed by this overgrowth of grass from behind someone's wall. Much to his chagrin (neighbors might think we were up to no good) he snapped some photos like I asked him to. 

This photo reminds me that it does not take much to find joy.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Globe Amaranth

Truly appreciate this kind of flower. So low-maintenance, generous all year round, easy to propagate, and pleasing to the eye. They are a perfect alternative to the ubiquitous yellow peanut flowers as ground covering or ornamental landscaping.

In Hawaii these everlasting flowers are strung one after the other into leis.

And it is truly interesting to find out that this magenta flowers are also known for tea. I will definitely give this a try.