Monday, November 26, 2012


We have a family member who has since passed on, seven years counting. Her short-lived life tells of a life lived in a pain so deep that no amount of success in work and a string of relationships could heal. I look back at the times she was with us -- the laughter, the cups of coffee together, the honesty and vulnerability,  the sharing of our lives. She will always be present to us in those fond memories.

A few years back when we were relocating to a more suburby type of area in the metro, we thought of taking along something symbolic that she would always remain in our presence. As we were passing through the university campus on shortcut, the Periwinkle plant arrested our attention just as we were mulling over thoughts of her. It was decided that we would cultivate it in our yard. Today it blossoms many times over and every now and then a flower or two finds itself inside the house, thanks to our furry one who inadvertently acts as velcro to the flowers when he takes his bladder break.