Friday, January 25, 2013

Turning a New Leaf

Photo by Aksveer

Once i was mulling over a plant's big scar tissue where a twig or branch once was. A closer look and i saw a very fresh, and tender sprout bravely shooting its way out. I thought that the plant must have gone through some pain pruning first before it burst forth with new life.

Truly as i reflect on the process of growth i realize that  there are necessary losses, essential struggles for us to evolve towards our best self. Leaving behind or deciding to cut off what one had been used to hurts. Yet they are choices we need to make to move forward. Many times events act as tipping points that leave us no other recourse but to shift.

Turning a new leaf may mean relocating, making new friends, or  moving to a new job. The hardest part is the daily decision to choose goodness (the opposite of all our baser tendencies).

When you happen to stop and smell the flowers, notice how growth is being spoken. Each day is an invitation.