Friday, March 15, 2013

Congratulations, Graduate!

a. Conferral or receipt of an academic degree or diploma marking completion of studies.
b. A ceremony at which degrees or diplomas are conferred; a commencement.
a. A division or interval on a graduated scale.
b. A mark indicating the boundary of such an interval.
3. An arrangement in or a division into stages or degrees. says the dictionary.

Just back from one of our school tours giving free seminars for graduating high schoolers. I could sense their excitement as much as their giddy anticipation of life after high school. What's next?

I salute all you graduates of whatever level you have successfully passed and brought to a close! I can still remember myself in my rented toga marching up the stage to Pomp and Circumstance to shake our principal's hand, lift the tail of my cap, transfer it to the other side of my head...and finally, receive my mock diploma (a piece of rolled up  bond paper held together by a satin ribbon). That moment (with all the feelings) etched clearly in memory. Formal.

Then there are informal graduations. Sans ceremony. These are the defining moments, events that mark a turn in our lives...circumstances that change us -- for the better, or leave us worse off.

Applause for those who have graduated from bad habits, compulsions, and addictions.
Applause for having the courage to embrace change.
Applause for accepting what is.

Death graduated our loved ones from this life... applause for lives well lived.

Applause for all who have learned life lessons big and small.