Monday, February 23, 2015

Homage to a Butterfly

There are things I come across that suddenly I connect with, some random unexpected thing that pulls at my heartstrings. Who does not get mesmerized by butterflies? But a dead one? Was taking pictures of the majestic mountains of Antipolo when I noticed a blotch of yellow on the window sill. On closer inspection I saw that it was a motionless butterfly, devoid of life.

Slowly I was drawn to a posture of stillness within. 

At that moment I had nothing but reverence for this once fluttering, flitting, beautiful thing. What was once a vibrant and happy energy that made the world a happier place is now quiet forever. This friend of flowers, this creature that had struggled through the many phases of life to get to where it can already flap its brightly colored wings, is my ultimate symbol of transformation.