Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Happy, Sunny Special Day

Ever been to a wedding where you were just so focused on the actual ceremony and the stars of the show (yes, groom and bride) instead of on all the trimmings, the set up, and razzle dazzle that usually comes with very special occasions such as this? The wedding we attended last weekend was one of those. It was simple, and quite casual. Sneakers donned by the celebrants and the entourage was the quirky element that made this day memorable.

Of course, because our eye is wired to anything with petals -- we surely noticed the simplicity of floral accents. Just one kind of flower and one arrangement was used. Only the church aisle was set up with medium-sized bouquets of yellow tiger stripe foliage. Low-key, uncomplicated, unpretentious, and of sunny disposition --- just like bride and groom.