Saturday, February 11, 2012

Labor of Love

Hand-made, crafted, any thing or project that had to have heart and sweat to bear upon it --- that is a labor of love --- even with all its imperfections. It could be a very simple meal, a card made by a child, a garden that took months, and even years to grow, a tapestry, a quilt... i could go on and on. To me these are far more precious than any expensive designer bag or any other over-the-counter purchase. The latter is easy if money were not an object. 

But that which had been fashioned, hammered, stitched, drawn by someone's hands --- that's big heart. 

But let's look to the great Lover who labors to prepare the soil, sow seeds, waters, and makes grow, blossom and bear fruit. For He loves much that whoever may behold his creations remembers and gets in  touch with things sublime.