Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Salad Days

Do you ever feel like being thrown from one end to another by the weather? On the one hand you have wet rainy days on end, and on the other extreme -- sweltering heat. Such is these past couple of weeks in my corner of the world. Not only in my environs but also in the interior of me. Talk about parallels...

When the downpour was fierce i could not bring myself to fully rejoice in the comforts of a cozy bed as water was rising to scary levels in some other places. One of my friends posted that life was not all about one's pleasures but that we need to also consider what is happening to the suffering world around us. 

Though grateful as i am for having a life that is light and smoothly running (for now), i need to take the time to be there for those going through the rough and tumble of life. In whatever way, provide a space for some hope, some comfort, some companionship --- even without any wise words.

When the heat of life's eruptions come i do need somebody to be there walking alongside of me. I suppose that is a common need --- the necessity to enliven ourselves, to be refreshed in ways of looking at our world.

We could take time out to have that vacation --- effective but could be expensive. And to many of us, the extra expense could only add up to an already existing challenge. But by grace --- there is comfort in simplicity. Even a serving of salad can bring back the spring in your step. With some edible flowers tossed in --- voila! we have something special. Who said that flowers are just for looking at?

With the heat on, salad days are here again. Recapture that verve. Start with a salad.

Here are some links so you could include eatable blossoms: