Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The World Through a Child's Eyes

"Aelita’s art has a raw power that leaves viewers with a majestic impression of pure talent unearthed. Magnificently unrestrained, she channels a curiosity and vivacity so strong that it can easily be felt through her paintings, almost as if it constitutes a tangible force in the world."
"Yet despite all her fame and international travel, she continues to maintain a child’s innocent perspective, letting her non-judgmental, hectic perceptions and fantasies spill out into her art in a passionate flurry of color and form. What results has a whimsical sense of freedom and movement, as if anything could happen at any moment – and that, if it did, we would all be ready to jump in and engage with whatever it might be."
-- Agora Art Blog

Now, if we could only look at our own world the way this child does: with curiosity, vivacity... pure, non-judgmental... passionate, and free. 

http://lifeisreallybeautiful.com/tag/child-prodigy-painter/ http://www.aelitaandreart.com/aelitaandre/Home.html http://theweek.com/article/index/216057/is-a-4-year-old-australian-the-next-picasso