Friday, July 22, 2011


Relax. My note to self. Small irritants here and there have paid me a visit in my otherwise orderly world. I know that such are the stuff of living. Things do not always behave as i think they should. Already the lid has been blown open and i have said a mouthful. Ugly. 

I was once told, in case of inner disturbances, to find someone who could bear my ranting --- that i may be able to discharge, process, hear my own thoughts --- lest an explosion ensues. I tried just that but that, too, had become an additional irritant. Nobody was available to have that girl talk. Hmmm. Even that blasted rail transit i was in conked out and i had to evacuate along with the others. Not a single thing was going right. 

That was yesterday. Today i napped to my heart's content. Woke up to have a chimichanga. I have decided to befriend what irks me.