Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Inclement Meditater

Strong rain.

Best to stay indoors.

Lights went out. No internet connection.
No radio. No tv.

One board game with family. Then the kids are bored.

We take up our books which prove to be great company filling up the wide space
left by technology.

We sleep to our hearts content. Awakening to a world only with the sound of rain,
and the wind. More wind banging on the windows...spraying in the rain.

As the windows are shut, a rage is muted...with only the noise in my head.

After reading several entries in Nouwen's journal, my mind and heart rests. I reflect on my own
struggles with personal handicaps, joy, as well as pain in my own small corner, the shift of emotions,
friendships -- its constant need for affirmation and the necessity to mutually forgive, and understand...

The rain makes me soak in many thoughts. Both of gratitude and the longing to draw nearer to
the presence of God. Amen.

Rain Window