Monday, April 2, 2012

The Necessity for Silence

The bus stations are abuzz with commuters jockeying to get seats. It is once again that time of year when families are in a mad rush to destinations that will provide some respite from the drudgery of their day-to-day routines, be off from work, be with family, and enjoy the sights.

I come from a family of modest means and every Holy Week we would pine for that vacation as kids. Some years we would be piled into the car and travel up north and there annex summer memories which are all vivid to this day. But i could also summon from memory the many years we would just stay home while the rest of the world frolicked in beaches, cooled off in the highlands, or visited the countryside. I suspected this was for lack of finances for those which were not the bare necessities. I remember not being allowed to play music and if we were, we would be shushed to keep the music down low. I have an image of my  folks  going about their business in a lowered range of movement, eating little -- even skipping meals. What drudgery i thought.

Today i understand why.

For the renewal of the soul one must remember the Passion of the Christ. For those not bent toward any such tradition --- it still is necessary to break away temporarily from the rest of the world and have that  nourishing time of slowing down and of quieting the soul.