Saturday, April 28, 2012

We Could Use Some Quirky in Our Lives

This diner is the Japanese version of the quirky Cafe Juanita whose every nook and cranny gives you something interesting to look at. I love curated places like these. Not your run-of-the-mill, cookie-cutter designed spaces which are too predictable. I love quirky. 

Every now and then we need to expose ourselves to that which is out of the norm. We need a jolt out of the humdrum of the day-to-day. Or in the ordinariness of our lives -- awaken that sense of child-like wonder which is non-judgmental and open. Pretty soon, you will notice how magnificent the pebbles look, how interesting the textures of things are, how beautiful and inspiring the people in our lives turn out to be. Quirky as quirky can be to gasp at and be in awe of the seemingly ordinary.

Open your eyes. Open your heart.