Friday, August 10, 2012

New Possibilities, New Experiences, New Connections

Eskimo Spy's photo on flickr

Back after the deluge that was. Our social networking sites have likewise been flooded with depressing news. Time to clean up. And get a whiff of the wonderful in the world.

Wow! When was the last time you blurted out that word in awe? Our days can become quite monotonous and bland, bereft of joie de vivre. Many of us, frankly, are stuck in this kind of drudgery. Which should not be...if it were up to us. We need mind-expanding, awareness-heightening, endorphin-producing moments (without the use of illegal mood-altering substances, of course), moments that make our eyes sparkle because inside is joy.

Here are some that might just do the trick:

1. Take long walks. Or run.
2. Dance.
3. Get your hands in the soil and plant something.
4. Play.
5. Find three new things you are grateful for.
6. Perform a random act of kindness. 
You've heard this one a thousand times. It does work.
7. Try something new.
8. Meditate.
9. Go into a flower shop.
10. Smell the flowers.