Monday, August 13, 2012

Step Up or Step Out

With a burst of inspiration, i found myself jotting down a list of reminders to myself. As if feverish, i return to my notes with additional stuff i'd like to commit to memory --- first. I am such a procrastinator that without such lists, i would end up not having a single thing done. 

Occupying a page and a half of my coffee shop planner are the following;
"CHANGE. Discipline. Consistency. Commitment. 
Meditation : wake up latest 5 am; do the examen before sleeping
Stewardship of time: Avoid Facebook; bring awareness and creativity everywhere i go; be constantly busy around the house
Stewardship of money: focus on saving. You don't need more clothes and more books (there's still a lot left unread).
Self care: pay attention to what you eat; exercise; avoid toxic thoughts
Learn something new: a craft, a language, or painting"
Half the year is over and i do not want to go over these days come January having regrets or looking back at wasted days when i did not pay attention or have done nothing to grow. Venus Williams, the tennis celebrity said "I know when it is time to step up, not to revert back to bad habits but to keep ahead with the good ones." 

It is time. It may be overdue but here i go. Stepping up.