Friday, January 6, 2012

Arresting the Sentimental

Mail just in: 
"Your Mom's birth anniversary is the same as Carlos_P._Romulo -- the 14th of January. She would be 72 years old if she were alive.
Remember her on that day. Speak to her for guidance and for prayers. Surely, she intercedes for us in ways we can't fathom.
Love and regards,
Daddy "
That's my dad addressing us, his grown up children here in the Philippines. I know he would be right at my mother's tomb on that date were he not residing in the U.S. Personally, i do not subscribe to paying the dead visits at their final resting places. If  i do go, it is more my support for the living whose way of rekindling memories is to be physically next to where the dear departed are.

My brother and sister, on separate occasions, shared how they have dreamt of our mother showing up --- and they have taken that as a sign to go to the cemetery and pay her a visit. But i have not had any such dream myself. Most probably i have pushed the memory of her far back in my mind so as not to ache with pining. She counts as my topmost love-r, despite my many shortcomings and rebelliousness. I write, i delete ---- memories that are starting to trickle in. This could get sappy. And so i stop.

The only currency i can afford now is to be grateful that  she was the one who gave birth to me and no other. She is at peace. That is what matters.

One day we'll have a toast --- you, sissy, and me. In the meantime --- hope you are having a grand time.