Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Talitha Koum

Right smack into this new year i find myself. I have barely gotten around to dealing with stuff i had intended to fulfill, much less change. Just recently i set out on an adventure -- to dare develop a new skill, be in a new industry. Sadly, i failed. The emptying of whatever remaining contents in my confidence bucket is a temptation. The web of negativity looms. But i cannot afford that. If there is one thing i have decided not to do anymore is --- beat myself up -- for failures.

Next week i mark my tattoo's first year. "Talitha Koum" is inscribed on my skin. It means rise up, get up. I didn't have it permanently inked on for nothing. I will try again.

Talitha Koum

My mantra for this year is "be kind to me."