Sunday, January 15, 2012

Partners in Creation

Red Flowers by Ella Becker

Blue Flowers by Ella Becker

Just last night at the dinner table, my long-time friend proposed that we enroll in a summer art class under the famous Fernando Sena. It has  piqued our interest after another friend's gushing over how her 9-year old daughter has progressed in her art after undergoing those classes. My daughter, a 25-year old artist by profession came under Sena's tutelage, too,  many years ago. And so was her former artist boss. 

There is something about wanting to produce something. Like an itch that won't go away, those creative juices need expression. Shape that bonsai, splash on the oil paint, carve that wood, sew those scraps of cloth, write that novel, cook that dish, grow those seeds, pound away on that metal, compose that song, create a bouquet. Frenzy, passion, fervor, fever. Whatever shape or form it takes.

We are certified co-creators by the Creator. 

“The important thing is that creation is God’s, and that we are part of it, and being part of creation is for us to be co-creators with Him in the continuing joy of new creation.”       ~Madeleine L’Engle