Thursday, May 10, 2012

Music That Makes the Soul Bloom

I always had the notion that music that lifts up the spirit and makes me focus on the more noble things in life come from the angels. For how else can those beautifully blended notes come out from the composers' hearts and fingers if it were not inspired.

I think about King Saul of biblical fame. When he was bothered by distress and torment, he had to have young David at his side to minister to him by playing the harp until he was calmed to sleep.
Pumping up the volume on rock or dance music makes me more alive and energized. I like this for when i am in active or angry mode.

But when i want to be in touch with the sublime and have better perspective -- i go for classical, worshipful, meditation music. Bach and Pachelbel are favorites. So is the Vespers album produced by the Jesuit Music Ministry.