Wednesday, May 23, 2012

On The Cheap

Wikipedia defines thrifting as "the act of shopping at a thrift store, flea market, garage sale, or a shop of a charitable organization, usually with the intent of finding interesting items at a cheap price."
And i do agree that "a larger philosophy permeates the act of thrifting which celebrates the recycling of formerly-owned items, finding new use and new love for vintage material goods which had been thrown out, and the thrill of imagining what the former life of the item was like."
You may call it a vice of mine, this propensity to covet what formerly belonged to others. What they --- those who remain nameless and faceless -- deemed as a throw-away, has become to me a treasure. My latest "acquisition" is that Jim Thompson scarf you see hanging on my wall. Never mind that the cost of the frame let me dig way deeper  into my pockets.
I tell you. That silk scarf with the pink hibiscus and some parrots and a cockatoo cost me a measly fifty pesos.